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I don't know if this is common with other companies, but it is where I work. People leave the company for various reasons, but sometimes they forget to set an Out of Office.
I don't keep track of this, but their teamlead/manager does and I get asked the question: "Can you check if Jane/Joe has his Out of Office set that he's no longer working here?" 

Lazy as I am and don't want to login into the Exchange ECP portal everytime, I developed my own tool so I can quickly check this and change the message and timeframe when needed. 

When a company uses Microsoft 365 and decides to change the companyname, as an administrator you'll be then faced with the challenge to migrate all your users to this new domain.

365 has tools available if you need to mass change the domain of users in one go. But when you have a hybrid deployement, your on-premise AD is the leading authority for user accounts.
In this guide I'll tell you how to properly convert all your users to a new domain in a hybrid environment.

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