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KB5028997 Increase partition size

It's widely known by know that KB5028997 is causing issues with it failing. This is because this patch requires a larger WinRE partition and by default this is 500 MB.
To get over this hurdle, you need to increase the size and luckily the server does not need a reboot or be shutdown to perform this. 

  1. Open a command prompt as admin
  2. Type in reagentc /disable to disable the recovery partition
  3. Typ in diskpart
  4. Type in list disk, this should show you a list of disks available on your system.
  5. If you have multiple disks available ensure you select the right index number with the command sel disk (index number)
  6. To ensure you have selected the correct disks enter the command list part. The correct parition should list a primary partition and a recovery one of about 500 MB in size.
  7. Select the OS partition by using the command sel part (partition index), based on the above example, the command will look like this sel part 3.
  8. Shrink the selected partition by 250 MB by using this command shrink desired=250 minimum=250
  9. Now select the recovery partition using the following command sel part (partition index)
  10. Delete the selected partition with this command delete partition override
  11. Now we need to create a new recovery partition, before that you need to know if the drive partition style is MBR or GPT. 
    You can run list disk and if there is a asteriks under the GPT column in the row with the disk then it's GPT. 

    Depending on MBR or GPT, run one of these commands:
    MBR: create partition primary id=27
    GPT: create partition primary id=de94bba4-06d1-4d40-a16a-bfd50179d6ac and then gpt attributes =0x8000000000000001
  12. Run list vol to check if the partition has been created
  13. now you can exit diskpart with the command exit 
  14. Enable the recovery partition with the command reagentc /enable
  15. to ensure if it's installed and enabled, run reagentc /info