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Moving to Home Assistant from Domoticz

After many years I've decided to move from Domoticz to Home Assistant. Domoticz at some point began to look "lackluster" and while there are still updates being released, support and integration is getting harder and harder in my opinion having to write scripts myself to integrate things which takes time.

Home assistant seems to have moved in such a fast pace that most of the things I want integrated already exists and makes it pretty easy to do so.

The only thing I never really got migrated between the two systems are the usage values of different devices and power/gas consumption graphs. It's probally possible, but I didn't want to spend too much time on it and it wasn't that important to me.

I'm running ZWave in Domoticz and when you do all the configuration data is stored on the stick and not domoticz itself, which makes migrating extremely easy!
To prepare yourself, do the following preperations:

  1. In Domoticz, go to Hardware and select the zwave stick configuration
  2. Take note of the ID and name of the device
  3. Take note of all the automations you have created 

You can now remove the stick from Domoticz and insert it in Home Assistant.
Home Assistant will recognize it and you can configure it by following the steps, depending on how many devices you have it could take a few minutes to hours for it to register all devices in Home Assistant.

Once it's done, you will notice Home Assistant will only report back the name Node <number>.
This is why you needed to take note of the ID and Name of the devices so you can easily know which number is what device.
You can open de device and on the top right click the pencil icon to rename it, it will prompt with the question if you want to change all the entity names for this devices, so click Yes.
Repeat this for all the nodes and you should be set! Every ZWave device will function normally.

As for the automations, there is no export/import solution. You have to recreate them in the Home Assistant way.