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Sometimes it's extremely usefull to get a list of all applied NTFS rights on a drive or folder that is being used for sharing data within your company.
Especially when you are doing a migration and you need to identify who has access to what without going through every single folder by hand. Unless you have an intern and want to keep him busy for a couple of months, then go right ahead.
If not, then read on and let me tell you about this neat Powershell command...

I use PowerBI primarly with CRM Dynamics 365. I just like the multitude of options it gives you in creating reports and graphs for users compared to the out of the box functionality in CRM Dynamics.
There's even a build in integration with it, so it's like Microsoft is practically begging me to use it.

I make a lot of reports that contain weeknumbers, like for example the amount of activities completed for each week. However PowerBI doesn't care where you are from, by default it applies the US definition of how weeknumbers are defined.
I'm from the EU, where ISO 8601 is being used and because of this alot of my users report that their activities are in the wrong week.

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