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if no proper acceptation or training is provided to users, users will create a lot of folders in folders and very long file names without realizing that Sharepoint/Onedrive has it's own limits and so does Windows.
Result is that files synced in OneDrive from a Sharepoint Site will not open due to the lenght of it exceeding the 255 character limit. 

For some reason my employer bought a bunch of licenses and had a bunch of VM's build but only 10% of it got used per day at peak times. Because some VM's never get booted up they basically stopped reporting to AD and connecting to the network proves troublesome causing to the VM's to show as unregistered in Citrix Studio and users can't use the VM's at all.

During an audit you find out that one or multiple admins have full access to everyone's mailbox in the organisation. You can make sure this happens by creating a test mailbox and checking the rights. 
The only likely explanation I can find is that when an admin installs new CU updates, it changes the database persmissions configuring it in a way that the admin gets full access. 
Because of this, every mailbox that is created in that database will inherit the full access permissions from it.

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