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Updating Unifi Controller

I run a pair of Unifi AC Pro AP's at home and with the Unifi Controller installed on Debian in a VM. We all know the drill, once in a while a update comes along and it's time to update.
Well for me... the normal instructions given by Unifi doesn't work for me, so I had to find another way to install the update...

If you've run into the same problem where you used the instructions found on the Unifi site (
and the update simply won't install because it can't find the file or something, then this might help you instead of relying on apt to install the update.

  1. Download the new update from the Unifi website (, scroll down to software) or directly from your controller when the prompt appears when there's a update available.
  2. Place the file somewhere on your machine, like your home directory for example. If you are running a headless machine like me, you can simply transfer the files using WinSCP for example.
  3. SSH login into your Unifi Controller
  4. Navigate to the folder where you placed the file in step 2
  5. Run the following command to start the update dpkg -i (file)

The installation should recognize the fact you already have the controller installed and should tell you to have a backup in case the update goes wrong etc.
Easy right?