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I tried using the REST980 plugin for Domoticz but it kept crashing every day and I got tired of it.
Instead of sifting through another man's code and finding the error I might as well leverage the API's to do my thing.

First I need the status of the robot vacuum's pushed to Domoticz so it can do it's thing.

I've been looking for a while for the best way to backup my Domoticz instance that's running on a Raspberry Pi.
I want to be able to restore it with minimal downtime should the device or the software fail.

Domoticz own Backup function works, but it only backs up it's own database, not the scripts that you made.
I've looked at various ways of imaging the SD card without pulling it out (that's just prone to forgetting) but nothing that really works without installing a complete backup solution for one machine. That's just overkill for me.

I'm a firm believer of keeping all your stuff as centralized as possible. One portal to manage all your things instead of having a huge amount of apps and web portal links to manage everything.
Because I'm too lazy to do chores, I've been looking  for robot vacuums that integrate with Domoticz well. I've started with LG Hombots, i found they were cheaper compared to Roomba's back then.
And let me tell you... LG Hombots SUCK. To make a long story short, the WiFI hack works, but the interface for it crashes everyday and Domoticz won't be able to send commands when that happens forcing you to reboot the vacuum every single day.
And this is how I ended up with the better solution: Roomba, money well spent!

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